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How to submit content to BUILD UP 

Registered members are allowed to upload their own content, such as:

Read the Acceptance Criteria below

Up-to-date information about energy efficiency in buildings, with special relevance from news coming from ongoing European projects. Each news should have, at least, 250-300 words, one picture, and have a recency of 1 month maximum. If the content is not original, the source must be clearly specified, including the original URL.   

A variety of publications (written reports, articles, books, legislative documents, guidelines, etcetera) that include European projects reports and European and national institutions official documents (EPBD Standards, EPCs, Green Deal...), as well as publications related to energy efficiency in buildings produced by worldwide institutions and organisations. An abstract of the publication’s topic must be provided explaining the content and mentioning the external URL (publicly accessible) or PDF where the publication could be downloaded. Publications must be within the last six months.   

The Case studies offer insight into implemented technologies, methodologies, research, or practices, and provide an overview of real-life results, outcomes, lessons learned, and best practices. The cases should be as recent as possible (1 year maximum), and include an illustration/picture as well as a technical description of the buildings' characteristics and performance.    

Tools cover a wide variety of topics, from IT devices to management procedures, and are useful in different scenarios, such as assessing energy efficiency or renewable energy projects, calculating energy retrofit or renovation benefits and costs, assessing heating and/or cooling systems options for consumers, and more. They must be within the last year and include a brief description of the tool, its type (benchmarking tool, simulation tool, checklist, Energy Audit model, etc.), and the direct link to the tool. 

Links refer to a compilation of the most relevant work, activities, groups, initiatives in the area of energy efficiency and renewable energy in buildings, including:

  • European projects and clusters   
  • Institutions, organisations and associations   
  • Cost actions and networks   
  • Initiatives, forums, and living labs   
  • Written resources and audio-visual materials

BUILD UP calendar serves to highlight different types of events (conferences, fairs, webinars, workshops or other) related to energy efficiency and renewable energy in buildings. It is necessary to fill in the maximum information as possible: abstract, topic, date, venue, more information (registration, fees, etc.).

They present an in-depth discussion about, for example, the project´s goals and final results, a specific case study or best practice, a tool or solution developed within a project, while also giving a broader context of the topic addressed and/or background information about the project under scrutiny. They are usually accompanied by images and should include references to original sources

In addition of these, you can also suggest profiles or content for technical articles, written interviews, expert talks and webinars. If you are interested in contributing with any of these, please contact us at

The BUILD UP team will also help promoting the most relevant content through our social media channels, booting your visibility and spreading our members knowledge.  

Register now Propose content

Acceptance criteria

Once you are a registered member of our portal, you can click on the Propose content button and select the type of content you wish to contribute. When all required fields have been filled out, submit your content by clicking the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.

All content published on BUILD UP must meet a number of criteria to ensure that it is relevant, up-to-date, complete, and consistent for the BUILD UP audience. The Editorial Board will review each content and decide if it meets the criteria. The main ones considered are:

The content and its source (if any) should be aligned with the scope of BUILD UP (energy efficiency and renewable energy in buildings) and/or a BUILD UP Topic of the Month.

If the content is already published on the BUILD UP portal, it will not be published again, and the item will be rejected.

The content proposed should contain complete information meaning that:

  • no important information or text should be missing (e.g., incomplete sentences or statements without explanation)
  • all relevant references, sources, and links should be included in the text already, pointing the audience to the resources, documents, and information material included in the item
  • links that refer to reports, publications, books etc must lead to a page where the item can be downloaded
  • it should be up to date i.e., referencing the latest policies, directives, statistics etc
  • it should be grammatically correct.

The content should not be difficult to read either with the use of overly complicated language or the incorrect or poor use of language.

Content should reflect current European views, opinions, policies, directives and more in general and in particular for the energy efficiency and renewable energy in buildings sector.

The editorial team will also ensure full compliance with the author or organisation’s copyright policy. Once the content is approved, it will be available on the portal within the following 24/48 hours.

Propose content