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Case studies

Case studies offer insight into implemented technologies, methodologies, research, or practices, and provide an overview of real-life results, outcomes, lessons learned, and best practices.

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Case studies (174)
Kirchlergründe 10, 6200 Jenbach, Tirol
Klimaaktiv Gold Kirchlergründe in Jenbach, Tirol
In der Gemeinde Jenbach, Kirchlergründe 7-10, errichtet die Alpenländische Gemeinnützige WohnbauGmbH eine Wohnanlage mit insgesamt 39 Mietwohnungen und 47 Tiefgaragenabstellplätzen.
Editorial team
Residence de la Reine
La Reine's Residence: heritage renovation
This collective housing has been renovated to become more energy efficient and sustainable, while the facades have been retrofitted in a more contemporary way.
Editorial team
Multi-family dwellings in Malaga
Passivhaus multi-family dwellings in Malaga
These multi-family dwellings are the first Passivhaus certified in Andalucía. They guarantee maximum energy efficiency, indoor comfort, and sustainable use of resources.
Editorial team
Showing 90 of 174 case studies