Investigating thermal comfort and air quality perceptions in Mediterranean schools
This study highlights how temperature influences students' thermal comfort and air quality perceptions in classrooms, with minimal impact from CO2 levels, emphasising the need for improved ventilation strategies in Mediterranean climates.
Editorial team

Building circular, unlocking value
The report outlines how adopting circular economy principles in the built environment can unlock long-term value through five strategies, promoting a regenerative future for real estate.
Editorial team

Better data for a decarbonised built environment
This report proposes a harmonised data ecosystem to simplify sustainability reporting, enhance decision-making, and support decarbonisation in the built environment.
Editorial team

Richtlinien für begrünte Dächer aus Holz
Neues Merkblatt für Planung und Bau von Gründächern verfügbar.
Editorial team

Empowering local energy solutions: The role of Energy Communities and distribution system operators
Energy Communities (ECs) enable collective, citizen-led energy initiatives, promoting clean energy, energy efficiency, and local benefits, while Local Distribution System Operators (LDSOs) play a key role in supporting their development and success.
Editorial team

How to design Plus Energy Buildings?
This guide provides design principles and technology implementation strategies to support the adoption of Plus Energy Buildings, helping achieve zero-emission buildings by 2050.
Editorial team

The sustainable power of digital technologies in modular construction
This review examines how digital technologies in modular construction enhance sustainability, highlighting trends in BIM, IoT, and energy modelling, while emphasising the need for further research in AI, material circularity, and off-grid solutions.
Editorial team

Buildings climate tracker reveals slow progress toward Italy’s climate goals
Italy’s building sector is off track for 2030 and 2050 climate goals, needing faster CO2 reductions, renewable energy expansion, and targeted renovations despite increased investments.
Editorial team

White Paper on Affordable, Sustainable Energy Transition and Building Renovation
This white paper is part of the Implementation Working Group 5 on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (IWG5-Buildings) and contributes to the European Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan.
Céline Suchet

Enhancing sustainability through Artificial Intelligence (AI) in building design and operation: a review
AI is transforming sustainable building practices by optimising energy efficiency in both design and operations, offering cost-effective solutions for reducing carbon emissions.
Editorial team