The European Builders Confederation (EBC) event 'Empowering SMEs & Crafts for a resilient & sustainable built environment' at the European Parliament will take place on 20 November.
London showcases sustainable urban innovation through several projects, all of which integrate eco-friendly design, historical preservation, and green spaces to address climate challenges and promote sustainability.
London Build is the UK's largest construction show, officially awarded the Best Trade Show in the UK. Featuring 450+ exhibitors; 600+ speakers; 35,000+ registered attendees; Meet the Buyer; live music, performances and entertainment.
The EPAH conference highlighted projects like LIFE ReHABITA and CoolToRise, which help European communities tackle energy poverty by improving home efficiency for winter warmth and promoting sustainable cooling for summer heat.
Around 75% of Europeans live in cities facing environmental and health challenges, with the EEA highlighting the need for energy-efficient buildings, smart renovations, and sustainable urban planning to mitigate climate change, reduce emissions, and improve quality of life.
La jornada dará un enfoque sistémico a los desafíos actuales a los que se enfrenta el sector. Cómo el sector de la construcción se optimiza en términos de ciclo del carbono, conectándolo con un sistema más amplio, con la ciudad, con sus flujos de energía, materiales y personas.