Technical Article – Next generation cooling systems: An analysis of two case studies with active and passive solutions in buildings
The demand for sustainable space cooling technology is increasing globally. Passive cooling systems should be implemented, and when necessary, combined with active cooling. This article provides two practical examples, one implementing an active system and the second applying a passive solution using a simulation tool.
Editorial team

Overview Article - Space cooling technologies for buildings: Alternative solutions to conventional applications
With longer and more frequent heat waves, the demand for space cooling is dramatically increasing globally. How can we make cooling systems more sustainable?
Editorial team
State of the art of the digitalisation of the building sector
Digital technologies, tools, and European initiatives are aiming to implement the digital transition across the building sector. These can be used at all stages of the value chain, from design and construction to operation and maintenance, and can tackle issues in society and many environmental aspects. Digitalisation in the building and construction sector represents an opportunity to innovate and decarbonise the whole value chain.
Editorial team

Technical Article - Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation
Alexandra Troi - Coburg University of Applied Sciences / Germany & Eurac Research / Italy
Mona Hess: Bamberg University / Germany
Olaf Huth: Coburg University of Applied Sciences / Germany
Matthias Jagfeld: Coburg University of Applied Sciences / Germany
Alexandra Troi - Coburg University of Applied Sciences / Germany & Eurac Research / Italy
Mona Hess: Bamberg University / Germany
Olaf Huth: Coburg University of Applied Sciences / Germany
Matthias Jagfeld: Coburg University of Applied Sciences / Germany
Editorial team

Technical Article - Performance optimisation of an active façade through parametric simulations
Buildings must play a major role in decarbonising our existing energy system. Shading devices are essential to control solar gains and improve the comfort of occupants in buildings. Dynamic shading systems, such as Venetian blinds or Electrochromic (EC) glazing, have variable optical and thermal properties and can be used to regulate solar gains depending on when they are needed.
Editorial team

Technical Article - ENSNARE: Digital toolkit for a more efficient design, construction and operation of NZEB residential renovations
The ENSNARE project aims at boosting the uptake of novel and highly efficient solutions for NZEB renovation via comprehensive methodology, tools, and technologies that accelerate the current renovation rate in European residential buildings.
Editorial team

Evaporative Cooling to improve thermal conditions and IAQ in Spanish schools
The Goverment of Andalucía has started a massive renovation project of its schools to improve the thermal conditions and ensure at the adoption of energy efficient solutions.
Cristina Piattelli

Technical Article - Arise article series ‘Digitalisation in the built environment’ #3: BIM basics, the need for a skills framework
A future-proof construction sector needs a more digitally skilled workforce. A qualification framework is essential in building a successful ecosystem for training and upskilling.
Editorial team

Technical Article - Arise article series ‘Digitalisation in the built environment’ #2: The need for upskilling within the industry
A new approach to train building construction workforce is proposed. This new method could both solve the problem of shortage of workers and to facilitate the digitalisation.
Editorial team

Technical Article - Arise article series ‘Digitalisation in the built environment’ #1: Awareness
This article addresses what the main barriers are to matching the offer and demand of well-qualified workers to achieve the target set by the European Green Deal. It will also discuss how digitalisation can contribute to attracting workers to the construction sector while ensuring quality of training and results.
Editorial team