Technical Article: Plug-and-use renovation with adaptable lightweight systems
The H2020 PLURAL project proposes prefabricated, modular, and adaptable lightweight façade systems for rapid renovation of existing buildings, providing high-performance, cost-effective, and fast renovation solutions. This article outlines these technological innovations, setting out the characteristics of the three core PnU (Plug-and-Use) kits that have been tested in prototype form.
Editorial team

Technical Article - Rethinking building roofs: aligning sustainability, environmental respect, and wellbeing
Are roof spaces well exploited? How do they contribute to the efficiency of buildings? This article proposes several ways of redesigning roofs to enhance Sustainability parameters such as Renewable PV production, energy savings, thermal comfort, water use reduction and leisure areas.
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Technical Article - Performance of the main technologies demonstrated in the ENVISION project
Within the context of the ENVISION project, different technologies have been developed aiming to harvest energy while being integrated into the façade of buildings. This paper reports their performance, focussing on solar façade collectors coupled with Heat Pumps and PV windows.
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Technical Article - From opaque traditional walls to Adaptative Façade Systems: state of play and outlook
According to some simulation-based analyses carried out in specific climates, building characteristics, and urban contexts, the annual energy demand could be reduced by up to 69% if the thermal properties of opaque building envelopes can be adjusted and controlled.
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Technical Article - The HiBERtool: How to find the suitable Historic Building Energy Retrofit solution for your house
Experts from the IEA SHC Task 59 and the Interreg project, ATLAS, make available a range of more than 130 energy retrofit solutions for historic buildings – via the best practice collection in the HiBERatlas and the online decision guidance of the HiBERtool.
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Technical Article - The digital era in building energy performance: the Auto-DAN project
The accurate measurement and self-assessment of the actual energy performance of new or existing, small and medium-sized buildings is the basic goal of the digital solution developed within the context of the Auto-DAN project.
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Technical Article - The BIM-P, a digital data environment to support the building renovation activities
The INFINITE project has developed a BIM Platform (BIM-P) which is a digital data environment and asset information management, supporting stakeholders to collaborate throughout the whole life cycle of buildings. The platform stores and shares data, and also enables data exchange with other tools for LCA and LCC evaluations.
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Technical Article - Optimal Parameter Estimation in NZEB Renovation Projects
The PLURAL project developed key technologies, called Plug-and-Use kits (‘PnU kits’), for the deep renovation of EU buildings, aiming at reaching the goal of near-zero energy buildings (NZEB). A data mining algorithm is utilised to find all minimal configuration settings of a PnU kit that practically ensures the NZEB status of the building after the configuration is installed.
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Technical Article - The crucial role of Education in achieving sustainability and low carbon economy
The ECF4CLIM project co-designs, tests and validates a European competence framework for the educational community to drive the transition to a sustainable and low-carbon economy.
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Technical Article - Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Toolkit for the built environment
This research aimed to inform the development of a set of tools to inspire a more inclusive design process, and to evaluate post-occupancy according to Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) in the built environment.
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