domOS Project: Price Optimization for Heat Pumps - Enhancing Cost Efficiency and Operational Control
domOS Project: Price Optimization for Heat Pumps - Enhancing Cost Efficiency and Operational Control
This post explores the significance of price optimization, NEOGRID TECHNOLOGIES' intelligent price optimizer developed as part of the domOS project, and the introduction of a heat pump operation dashboard aimed at enhancing user awareness and promoting optimized consumption patterns.
In light of the growing volatility in electricity costs and tariffs, the focus on the price-optimized operation of heat pumps has gained prominence. Rather than solely considering the Coefficient Of Production, directing attention towards the 'other COP' - Cost Of Production - has become increasingly pertinent. By incorporating the cost of energy into the heat pump operation scheduling, a more comprehensive approach to cost efficiency can be achieved. This academic post explores the significance of price optimization, NEOGRID TECHNOLOGIES' intelligent price optimizer developed as part of the domOS project, and the introduction of a heat pump operation dashboard aimed at enhancing user awareness and promoting optimized consumption patterns.
Price Optimizer for Heat Pump Operations
As an integral component of the domOS project, NEOGRID TECHNOLOGIES has developed an intelligent price optimizer. This innovative solution automatically schedules heat pump operations to avoid costly peak hours while maximizing utilization during periods of lower energy prices. Leveraging historic data from the energy meter (electricity or heat), outdoor and indoor temperatures, along with forecast data on weather conditions (including temperature, sun, and wind) and costs of electricity, the Price Optimizer optimally plans heat pump operations. Furthermore, if the dwelling incorporates photovoltaic (PV) panels, historical export data from the distribution system operator (DSO) is collected, enabling the incorporation of self-produced electricity into the scheduling process.
Supplementary Service: PreHeat
In addition to the Price Optimizer, NEOGRID TECHNOLOGIES offers a complementary service called PreHeat. This intelligent control system regulates the supply temperature to the central heating in a house, accurately predicting the optimal supply temperature based on the system's knowledge of the building's response to weather changes. By effectively reducing overheating in the house and proactively pre-heating it before significant weather changes occur, PreHeat contributes to enhanced energy efficiency and improved user comfort.
Heat Pump Operation Dashboard
To further empower end-users and foster optimized energy consumption behaviour, a heat pump operation dashboard has been introduced. This dashboard allows users to track the current operation of their heat pump and visualize the accrued savings in real time. By displaying the cost of electricity throughout the day and presenting the calculated operating periods for the heat pump, users gain valuable insights into the electricity consumption patterns associated with their heat pump. The primary objective of the dashboard is to increase user awareness regarding the energy usage of the heat pump, encouraging users to make informed decisions.
Promoting Informed Consumption Patterns
The heat pump operation dashboard plays a pivotal role in nudging users toward more intelligent consumption practices. By showcasing the cost of electricity throughout the day and providing visibility into calculated operating periods, users are motivated to shift non-intelligent electricity consumption, such as using white appliances, to more cost-effective periods. This nudging effect fosters a sustainable approach to energy consumption and further optimizes cost efficiency.
The integration of price optimization strategies and the development of a heat pump operation dashboard represent crucial advancements in promoting cost efficiency and enhancing user awareness. By leveraging the intelligent price optimizer and taking advantage of the heat pump operation dashboard, end-users can make informed decisions about their energy consumption patterns, effectively reducing costs and increasing sustainability. It is worth noting that the domOS project, which encompasses these advancements, has received funding from the European Commission's Horizon 2020 program under Grant Agreement No. 894240, underscoring the significance and potential impact of these innovations in the field of heat pump technologies.