Inappropriate content
The following are considered inappropriate content. Posting such content may result in account suspension or banning as well as the removal of the offending posts:
- Posts or images of a defamatory, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane or threatening nature. This includes any messages or material ethnically, racially, religiously or sexually offensive, insulting or demeaning.
- Posts or images that violate any laws or regulations.
- Explicit advertising of products or services without our prior consent or the appropriate context. Advertising your private company can be done through your Personal Profile.
- Registering to solely post/endorse/promote for your own personal gain.
- Discussion of illegal activities such as software and movie piracy and other intellectual property infringement.
- Posting your or other people's personal contact information such as telephone numbers or physical or email addresses.
- Any other content deemed inappropriate by the BUILD UP Team.
- Links to any of the above.
Expected behaviour of members and suggestions for sending content
- Keep all contributions within the appropriate topics.
- Use short and concise titles.
- Communicate as clearly and concisely as possible.
- All content posted by users expresses the views of the author.
Disciplinary action
BUILD UP editorial team will refuse content that does not adhere to the aforementioned rules. BUILD UP reserves the right to close or ban, temporarily or permanently, any user’s account without previous notice if deemed necessary.