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Heat decarbonisation and energy efficiency improvement in UK buildings

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Heat decarbonisation and energy efficiency improvement in UK buildings

West Dunbartonshire Council has published its strategy to decarbonise heat and improve energy efficiency in buildings of the region.
Editorial Team

The local heating and energy efficiency strategy (LHEES) draft, presented to the Council's committee, received approval for public consultation, aligning with Scotland's climate targets. Seeking feedback, the LHEES outlines plans for heat and energy efficiency, crucial for achieving net-zero emissions by 2045. Residents' input will shape the transition to zero-emission heating, addressing fuel poverty

The strategy highlights energy efficiency improvements across all sectors, including potential expansion of heat networks and air source heat pump pilots. Councillors acknowledge the importance of community action in achieving net-zero goals and commend the strategy's focus on decarbonisation projects, such as the District Heating Network in Clydebank.

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West Dunbartonshire Council
Policy and Regulatory Frameworks
Building Renovation
Heating, Ventilation and Cooling