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Off-site construction should lead the digital revolution of buildings

Man on construction site holding a laptop

Off-site construction should lead the digital revolution of buildings

Digitalisation of processes within building projects can lead to several benefits
Editorial Team

The construction sector, traditionally slow to adopt new technology, now sees the digitisation revolution, especially in off-site construction. The global modular construction business VBC emphasises a design-led, technology-centred approach. Digital tools like AI can enhance communication, streamline workflows, and facilitate off-site manufacturing. AI automates tasks from generating tender documents to optimising building design, improving efficiency.

The industry benefits from automating time-intensive processes, addressing skills shortages, and fostering collaboration through shared information. While embracing technology is vital, maintaining a human touch in the relationship-based construction industry is equally important.

PBC Today
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Skills, training and education
Smart Building technologies
Energy efficiency technologies and solutions
Building Operation and Maintenance