Technical Article - The HiBERtool: How to find the suitable Historic Building Energy Retrofit solution for your house

Technical Article - The HiBERtool: How to find the suitable Historic Building Energy Retrofit solution for your house
Alexandra Troi (Eurac Research, Bolzano, Italy)
Daniel Herrera (Eurac Research, Bolzano, Italy)
Eleonora Leonardi (Eurac Research, Bolzano, Italy)
Alexander Rieser (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Rainer Pfluger (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Note: opinions in the articles are of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the EU.
Energy retrofit of historic buildings often represents a challenge for owners and practitioners. They feel that they lack knowledge and do not have access to suitable solutions. Where to start – the envelope or the heating system? Which material to use? Are all equally suitable or am I restricted in my Strickbau with solid timber walls? Is there an alternative to replacing the windows? How much saving can I reach?
The growth of awareness and interest in sustainability has led to an increase in the number of solutions available for the improvement of historic buildings' energy performance. National and international research and innovation projects, such as FP projects 3encult, EFFESUS and ReBuild, P-Renewal in Belgium, Spara och Bevara in Sweden, etc., have developed solutions and guidelines, but the information is usually available in single reports, publications, and data sheets.
Dissemination of this information, and examples of successful implementation, is inadequate for all stakeholders. This is especially important if conservation authorities are involved, whose task it is to keep buildings which have been there for hundreds of years fit for upcoming generations and not just thirty years. Therefore, evidence for long term performance and technical compatibility is crucial. Evidence in terms of practical implementation and documented tests would improve practitioners' trust on these solutions and encourage the adoption by owners in the building renovation.
Figure 1. The HiBERatlas presents inspiring examples of energetically renovated historic buildings to owners and practitioners.
Good practice examples of energy retrofits of historic buildings
In the framework of IEA SHC Task 59 and the Interreg Alpine Space project ATLAS, experts from all over Europe (and beyond) have collected good practice examples of energy retrofits of historic buildings. These include well established and innovative solutions for historic building renovation. Within the HiBERatlas (Historic Building Energy Retrofit Atlas) to date nearly 70 examples have been collected and this number is growing since the platform is open both for individual contributions and for use by projects. The range of building typologies is wide and includes rural and urban buildings, small mountain huts and industrial heritage, residential and other uses including offices, schools, and hotels.
Figure 2. Around 70 best practice retrofits of historic buildings have been collected up to now in the HiBERatlas– covering a wide range of building typologies and countries
Each case is presented with attractive photos to inspire users, a small teaser, an explanation of the building, its values and needs, and then goes on to describe the actual interventions implemented to reach these goals. Each retrofit solution is briefly described, and an explanation is given to why it fits this specific building.
Although when it comes to historic buildings and the conservation aspects that matter there are no standard solutions which are applicable everywhere, the experience from other cases can help to find the best solution for your own. If in 3encult there has been a very efficient new window developed which takes in the historic aesthetic and proportions for the Waaghaus in Bozen, this was in accordance with the heritage authority since the original windows had already been replaced and will fit other buildings where the original window is already lost, whilst in a building which still preserves the original windows one will opt for their renovation and enhancement. The HiBERatlas promotes a holistic approach; always consider the building in all its parts, the walls, the windows, the roof and floor, heating, domestic hot water, cooling and ventilation, and of course renewable sources. These are outlined in the retrofit solutions’ information on the website (see Figure 3). The photos from the construction site, and the final results help to assess the suitability of the solution.
Figure 3. The HiBERatlas promotes a holistic approach: consider the building in all its parts – respectively structured is the online presentation.
Within the HiBERatlas the single retrofit solutions are presented in the context of the overall approach for a specific building; the project teams felt that owners and practitioners also need more specific guidance to the solutions. To this aim, the HiBERtool was developed as an online decision guidance tool. Besides providing targeted access to the solutions collected with the best practice cases of the HiBERatlas, the HiBERtool makes available even more innovative solutions which have yet been implemented (or documented) in an overall best practice case.
The HiBERtool provides information which goes beyond the presentation in HiBERatlas, it provides more technical data and the evidence behind the potential solution. Each record of a solution describes:
- the energetic Improvement of the considered element
- the technical functionality
- consideration of the compatibility with historic structures.
For a coherent and comparable documentation of every single solution a set of questions was answered under these headings:
- What is the solution?
- Why does it work? (compatibility with conservation, technical function, energy improvement)
- Description of the context (What is special about the building and its surroundings?)
- Pros and Cons of the solution
- Additional Information (Publications, links to further information)
Figure 4. Screenshot of the pdf summarising the information provided for a single retrofit solution in the HiBERtool – here for the replacement of the glazing of the inner window of a box type window.
The written documentation is visually supported by drawings and photos. Some of the documented solutions have been studied in detail by means of numerical simulation and/or in-situ monitoring as part of research projects. All these data provide useful information in the appraisal of the solutions. Some of the options represent an innovative solution, and these are ones that although not yet commercialised, provide insight on future development.
HIBERtool: 4 categories of solutions
The user of the HiBERtool is guided step by step in finding suitable solutions by answering a number of questions. The decision trees standing behind these questions have been developed for each of the four categories of solutions, which cover (i) wall insulation, (ii) window solutions, (iii) solar systems and (iv) HVAC systems. The questions relate to two aspects: more information about the element to be refurbished (is it a solid wall or timber frame? Is it a box-type or single window? etc.), and more information on the characteristics to be preserved, or rather possibilities to intervene from the conservation point of view.
Figure 5. Four categories of retrofit solutions are available to date in the HiBERtool.
Solutions for windows
For windows, the user journey could look as follows. To the first question
- Which kind of window do you want to refurbish or recreate?
- Box-type window
- Single window
- Coupled window
If the user selects a. box-type window, then the second question provides another four options:
- Which impact on the appearance is allowed?
- Low impact
- Impact on the appearance from inside
- Impact on the appearance from outside (and inside)
- Impact on the whole window
If the user answered b. impact on the appearance from inside, four possible solutions are proposed:
- Replacing the inner glass
- Adding a layer of glass
- Replacing sashes or window layer
- Adding solar shading inside
Choosing a. replacing the inner glass leads to the description of the respective solution, presented with a picture, a short description and a link to the pdf containing more details. The ‘favourite star’ on the upper right allows the user to remember the solution if it is considered potentially interesting, and the user can go back with the button on the lower left in order to investigate for example solution b. adding a layer of glass, which again leads to a picture, short description, link to a pdf containing the details and in this case also the link to a Best Practice case in the HiBERatlas (the OSRAM building in Copenhagen).
Figure 6. User journey investigating possible solutions for a window renovation in the HiBERtool.
In total, 16 window solutions are documented. The first distinction was made on the
basis of the historic window type, (1) single window, (2) coupled window, or (3) box type window. With the classification according to the type of window to be retrofitted, the possible impact of the refurbishment on the historic appearance and character of the building as well as on the window itself was defined in a second level:
- Solutions for interventions with low impact are measures such as repairing the window, installing additional seals on the frame, additional foils on the glass or repairing the shutters. These solutions have no impact on the visual appearance and material, and also no spatial impact on the building.
- Solutions with impact on the internal appearance of the window, the glass, or the inner sash of for example box-type windows are replaced. Furthermore, solutions of additional modern windows on the inside of the original window are also documented. In total 6 solutions are documented for this category.
- The next level of impact of the intervention is an additional change of the exterior view. Changing the external glass can result in an important change of appearance, as the reflection of new modern glass is different from the historical glazing.
- The last category affects the whole historic window. In this group, solutions such as replacing the existing window with a replica are included.
Solutions for walls
In the group of wall solutions, a total of 39 solutions are documented. The solutions are assigned to different categories ranging from internal insulation over external insulation, external insulation combined with internal insulation and frame infill insulation to cavity insulation, reversible systems and innovative solutions. Especially when renovating historic buildings, the external appearance is in many cases of heritage significance. It is therefore not surprising that a large proportion, namely 18 of the 39 solutions, are assigned to the category ‘internal insulation’. Interesting renovation approaches for filling existing cavities are also documented. Innovative reversible systems show a completely different approach in preserving existing building fabric and unusual insulation materials such as aerogel, hemp concrete or reed mats show a range of possibilities for energetic improvement.
Figure 7. left: installation of internal insulation (Perlite) at Villa Castelli © Solarraum; middle: Blowing on the wet cellulose insulation material © HES; right: installation of wood fibre © Eurac.
As an example, here is a possible user path for the refurbishment of the walls of a farmhouse in solid timber construction. Starting from the structure of the tool, the question tree for the element ‘Walls’ is started. Figure 8 illustrates the course of the questioning and how this leads to the result category ‘internal insulation’.
Figure 8. Example for a decision path of a historic farmhouse with log walls
Figure 9. Screenshot of possible interior insulation solutions proposed by the HiBERtool with links to pdf with details and best practice cases in the HiBERatlas.
Figure 10 shows the single steps as seen by the user, and alternative answer possibilities. After selecting ‘solid wall’ with regards to the wall structure, the user is asked whether the external finish is worthy of preservation and answers with ‘yes, appearance’ (as compared to ‘no’, or ‘yes, for proportions’). The next questions checks whether the driving rain protection is fine (or at least there is a strategy to ensure it), followed by the question with regards to rising damp.
Having answered both with ‘no‘, the user is finally asked whether the internal finish is worthy for presentation. Answering ‘no’ here and selecting in the next step ‘internal insulation’ a wide variety of practically implemented solutions are given as results (perlite/aerogel for stone walls, calcium silicate for brick masonry, dense wood fibre for stone masonry, etc.). After reviewing the solutions, these are relevant for the farm described above. Cellulose for the log walls on farm Neuhäusl as well as sheep wool with vapour control layer Giatlahaus.
Figure 10. User journey for the refurbishment of the walls of a farmhouse in solid timber construction
Solutions for ventilation
Over the course of documenting the ventilation solutions, the focus is on different topics. A total of 18 solutions are documented, including some general descriptions of solutions that cannot be assigned to a best practice example. Three solutions about airtightness are integrated which deal with the planning and execution of airtight levels using practical examples. Three fact sheets for cascade ventilation, extended cascade ventilation and active overflow systems were created with regard to low invasiveness of air distribution and planning.
Another documentation includes the use of existing chimneys or shafts for the distribution of the ventilation pipes. The remaining 11 solutions refer to the location of the ventilation unit (central, decentralised) as well as to the possible distribution in the floor, ceiling and façade based on best practice examples.
Figure 11. left: supply air opening in a farmhouse in Tyrol © Michael Flach, right Ventilation pipes in the floor at Doragno Castle in Switzerland © L. Carugo.
Solutions for solar
The solar energy solutions documented mainly concerned solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic systems compatible with historic buildings. In total 37 solutions are documented. They are divided into the following categories: plants attached to the roof, roof integrated, attached to the wall, façade integrated and free-standing solar plants and solutions for integration into the landscape.
The case studies documented demonstrate that most solutions used in historic buildings are roof-integrated systems (22 solutions out of 37).
Many of the solutions are also documented on buildings in the HiBERatlas, as can be seen in the screenshot in Figure 12.
Figure 12. PV integration solutions in the HiBERtool
Besides finding the solutions in a guided way through the HiBERtool, it is also possible to study the whole range of solutions, over 130 of them, in the reports from IEA SHC Task 59. They have been divided into 5 parts:
- Part I - introduction
- Part II – windows
- Part III – walls
- Part IV – HVAC
- Part V – solar

The collection of technical solutions shows the documentation of realised and tested solutions down to the technical detail, as well as the evaluation of these solutions for their applicability in the historical context. Previously, such in-depth descriptions have been found in separate publications and mostly focused on a limited number of solutions. The value of such a compilation therefore is to a lesser extent the presentation of technical innovations and more a synopsis of the state of the art.
One of the main values of the collection, however, is that most of the solutions presented are used in practice. Many of the solutions can be linked to the documentation of the overall renovation project in the HiBERatlas. Through this reference, one can better understand the considerations that led to the decision for the specific solution and gets a more comprehensive insight.
The final aim of the tool is to inspire and motivate technicians and owners with a large number of possible solutions, which serve as a basis for further investigation and planning. With over 130 documented solutions, it is already a comprehensive tool that can be used as a basis and can be further extended in future as technologies develop.
[1] https://task59.iea-shc.org Renovating Historic Buildings Towards Zero Energy, Task 59 of the Solara Heating and Cooling programme and Annex 76 of the Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme of the International Energy Agency
[2] https://www.alpine-space.eu/project/atlas Advanced Tools for Low-carbon, high-value development of historic architecture in the Alpine Space, Interreg Alpine Space Programme
[3] www.hiberatlas.com Historic Buildings Energy Retrofit Atlas
[4] e.g. did the Interreg It-AT project SHELTER (https://interreg-shelter.eu, Smart Heritage along Tourism Routes) document collected best practice in Val di Zoldo
[5] Editors: Rainer Pfluger (UIBK), Alexander Rieser (UIBK), Daniel Herrera (EURAC), Contributing authors:
Alessia Buda, Ernst Jan de Place Hansen, Emanuela Giancola, Valeria Natalina Pracchi, Sara Mauri, Valentina Marincioni, Virginia Gori, Kalliopi Fouseki, Cristina S. Polo López, Alessandro Lo Faro, Aitziber Egusquiza, Franziska Haas, Eleonora Leonardi. Report C1 - Part I - Introduction to the integrated approach developed within IEA-SHC Task 59 for the identification of conservation compatible retrofit materials and solutions in historic buildings (https://task59.iea-shc.org/Data/Sites/1/publications/D.C1--Part-I-Introduction.pdf)
[6] Editors: Alexander Rieser (UIBK), Authors: Dagmar Exner (Eurac), Jørgen Rose (SBI), Élodie Héberlé (Cerema), Sara Mauri (Polimi). Report C1 - Part II - Documentation and assessment of conventional and innovative solutions for conservation and thermal enhancement of window systems in historic buildings (https://task59.iea-shc.org/Data/Sites/1/publications/D.C1--Part-II-Windows.pdf)
[7] Editors: Rainer Pfluger (UIBK), Alexander Rieser (UIBK), Contributing authors: Eleonora Leonardi (EURAC), Daniel Herrera (EURAC), Ernst Jan de Place Hansen (AAU), Roger Curtis (HES), Valentina Marincioni (UCL), Athina Petsou (UCL), Evola Gianpiero (UNICT), Cristina Polo (SUPSI), Sara Mauri (POLIMI), Tobias Hatt (EIV), Gustaf Leijonhufvud (Uppsala University), Susanne Kuchar (e7 energy innovation & engineering), Pavel Sevela (UIBK), Julien Borderon (Cerema) Report C1 - Part III - Documentation and assessment of materials and solutions for external wall insulation in historic buildings (https://task59.iea-shc.org/Data/Sites/1/publications/D.C1--Part-III-Walls.pdf)
[8] Editor: Rainer Pfluger (UIBK), Alexander Rieser (UIBK) Authors: Alexandra Troi (EURAC), Kirsten Engelund Thomsen (SBI), Jørgen Rose (SBI), Cristina Polo (SUPSI), Tobias Hatt (EIV), Pavel Sevela (UIBK), Arnulf Dinkel (ISE), Gülden Gökcen (IYTE), Zeynep Durmus Arsan (IYTE). Report C1 - Part IV - Documentation and assessment of energy and cost-efficient HVAC-systems and strategies with high conservation compatibility (https://task59.iea-shc.org/Data/Sites/1/publications/D.C1--Part-IV-HVAC.pdf)
[9] Editors: Eleonora Leonardi (EURAC), Authors: Cristina Polo (SUPSI), Antonello Durante (EURAC), Anne Schmidt (HES), Elena Lucchi (EURAC), Giovanna Franco (Unige), Pavel Sevela (UIBK), Johannes Eisenlohr (Fraunhofer ISE), Tobias Hatt (EIV), Jennifer Adami (EURAC), Roger Curtis (HES). Report C1 - Part V - Documentation and assessment of integrated solar thermal and photovoltaic systems with high conservation compatibility (https://task59.iea-shc.org/Data/Sites/1/publications/D.C1--Part-V-Solar.pdf)