Webinar - Replicable solutions for sustainable Plus Energy Buildings

Webinar - Replicable solutions for sustainable Plus Energy Buildings
On May 16, BUILD UP hosted the CULTURAL-E project webinar entitled "Replicable solutions for sustainable Plus Energy Buildings: a comprehensive evaluation including energy performance, LCA, LCC and new business models".
The goal of the CULTURAL-E project is to go a step beyond Nearly Zero Energy Buildings towards the future of Plus Energy Buildings (PEBs).
The webinar welcomed four presenters, from Eurac Research, the University of Stuttgart, and siz energieplus. Presentations began with an introduction and overview on Positive Energy Buildings and solution sets by Francesco Isaia, Postdoctoral Researcher at Eurac Research. The second presentation followed to discuss energy performance assessment and harmonized control strategies and was presented by Francesco Turrin, Researcher also from Eurac Research. The third presentation was from Roberta Di Bari, Research Associate at the University of Stuttgart, who discussed Environmental lifecycle impact (LCA). The fourth and final speaker was Dr. Hermann Leis, Research Associate at SIZ Energieplus, who discussed LCC (Life-Cycle Cost) and new business models.
Following each of the presentations, there was an interactive slido with questions pertaining to the preceding presentation. The audience participated actively in both the slidos and in the final Q&A session, which rounded off the webinar.
English (8.99 MB - PDF)