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Conceptual approach to Energy Efficiency in large hospital area in the Zlín Region

Case study
Czech Republic

Conceptual approach to Energy Efficiency in large hospital area in the Zlín Region

09 February 2022
Editorial Team

The hospital in Uherské Hradiště is one of four hospitals belonging to the Zlín Region. The Uherské Hradiště Hospital provides outpatient and inpatient care in basic and specialised fields at 8 workplaces of surgical specialties, 12 workplaces of internal medicine and at 7 workplaces of laboratory complement. The individual pavilions of the hospital were in a very poor condition from the energy point of view: high heat consumption, overheating in summer etc. The heat and hot water sources in the central boiler room were old and inefficient and all this led to large heat losses.


Between 2012 and 2020, Energy Agency of the Zlín Region initiated, developed, and administered a set of several consequent investment projects on renewable energy sources and energy efficiency leading to a considerable decrease of the energy demand in a large hospital area in Uherské Hradiště with the support from OP Environment 2007-2013 and OP Environment 2014-2020. Among measures implemented in this period belong:


  • Reconstruction of the central boiler room and area heat distribution, including the installation of 2 pieces of solar panels for the preparation of hot water;
  • Complex insulation of 6 hospital pavilions;
  • Complex heat insulation of 2 hostels for hospital staff;
  • 3 PV power plants on the 3 central buildings roofs with combined installed power 219 kWp.

Annual total heat savings for all implemented measures combined are 44,828.59 GJ and annual CO2 reductions achieved are 2,999.44 tonnes.


Investments undertaken significantly reduced both heating and operational costs of the hospital and thus saved public funds spent on operations in health care. The installation of PV panels increased the hospital’s self-sufficiency and reduced electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Thanks to the insulation and installation of air conditioning with recuperation, the internal microclimate of the building was improved.


Read more about it here.

Geographic coverage
Regional (sub-national)
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