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Passivhaus certified detached single family house in Maldon (UK)

Passivhaus single family house
Case study
United Kingdom

Passivhaus certified detached single family house in Maldon (UK)

20 December 2023
The house is a new construction, certified Passivhaus and has achieve A+ energy efficiency rating.
Editorial Team

The house is a timber frame with breathing wall construction and uses Warmcell insulation.  The design has incorporated future proofing and holistic monitoring and control of all systems: solar pv, all electrical circuits, electric car charging, hot water, heating, etc. It also has lighting control and roof rainwater collectors.


Thermal envelope

Exterior wall: I-beam, DHF board, Larch cladding, Warmcell insulation. Finished inside OSB where specified, Finsa vapour stop board with service void and plasterboard
U-value = 0.117 W/(m2K)

Basement floor/floor slab: Concrete raft over 400mm XPS/EPS
U-value = 0.117 W/(m2K)

Roof: I-beam, DHF board, slate, Warmcell insulation
Solar PV on South, recessed (using easy roof frames) to integrate with slates

U-value = 0.119 W/(m2K)


Mechanical systems

Ventilation: mechanical ventilation and heat recovery system

Heating installation: In duct electric heaters, powered by solar pv supported by grid

Domestic hot water: Electrically heated using solar pv supported by grid

Geographic coverage
Local (city or municipality)
Original Author
Passive House Database
Original source: