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Transforming heating to be efficient, resilient and clean for European households

Zagreb, Croatia
Case study
European Countries,

Transforming heating to be efficient, resilient and clean for European households

The REPLACE project has investigated 9 EU countries concerning their heating and cooling technologies and appropriate renewable systems.
Editorial Team

The aim of REPLACE project is to convince consumers to replace their old heating systems with efficient and climate-friendly alternatives. Focusing on 9 EU countries, the project has investigated the heating and cooling technologies in order to select renewable systems solutions. Hence, the project develops individual approaches through coordinated and transnational renovation campaigns with the support of local working groups.

In order to convince homeowners to renovate, the project has used a heating system calculator and a heating matrix to make them realise the energy they use and how much they could potentially save.

For example, in Castilla y León (Spain), 7 information hubs have been installed giving information to consumers in different formats about heating system renovation.

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