Most of the existing building stock has reached the age for renovation: 90% of the total stock was built before 1990 and over 75% of the total floor area of the existing stock can be attributed to residential buildings.
Additionally, society is becoming more and more aware of the negative environmental impact of our living environments. In this combination lies a vast challenge; how to improve the performance of our building stock on such a scale?
The Horizon2020 project BIM-SPEED aims to address this challenge by developing a combination of methodologies and tools with one central information source at its core: the Building Information Model (BIM), a digital representation of a building.
This model will be the catalyst for a smarter, more efficient, method of deep renovation for the residential building sector.
We believe there is no better way to develop solutions than to test them in practice.
Because of this, BIM-SPEED solutions will be tested in 13 real demonstration cases that cover all Europe’s climatic geo-clusters and varying levels of BIM experience in different countries.
The BIM-SPEED project consortium consists of architects, engineers, consultants, software developers, academic institutions and umbrella organizations.
Through this holistic, inclusive, yet practical methodology that we will ensure that the dissemination of the project outcomes will reach a wide audience.
- Technische Universität Berlin
- DEMO Consultants
- Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment
- Fundación CARTIF
- Others
Start date: 1 November 2018 - End date: 31 October 2022