Construye 2030 Project
Construye 2030 Project
BUILD UP Skills - The construction sector towards 2030
Updating the wide picture of the law related to the construction sector on the topics like energy, circular economy, nearly Zero-Energy Buildings, will show us the path to face the updating of the work made in the BUILD UP Skills (2011-2012, Pillar I) showing the line to ensure alignment with the EU 2030 energy targets.
The Directive 2009/28/CE has been modified by Directive (UE) 2018/2001, of the European Parliament and the Council, 11 December 2018, on the promotion of the use or energy from renewable energy sources.
The Directive 2010/31/EU and Directive 2012/27/UE, were amended by Directive 2018/844 of the European Parliament and the Council, 30 May 2018 related to energy efficiency. The main objective was to accelerate the cost-effective renovation of existing buildings and the promotion of intelligent technologies in buildings. As part of the Clean Energy Package, the amending Directive complements energy efficiency legislation.
The first objective is to support the revitalisation of the National Platform created in the first phase or the BUILD UP Skills initiative (2011-2012) led by Fundacion Laboral de la Construccion. This platform has been uploaded and it has became in a crucial instrument that Fundacion Laboral de la Construcción get as a reference of information in the Construction Sector “El Observatorio Industrial de la Construccion”. At this point it is essential to expand it as a National Platform involving new reference partners in the Construction Sector. As a second objective, jointed with the updating of the Platform is to review the Status Quo Analyses and the National Road Map.
Start date: November 2022 - End date: April 2024
- Fundacion Estatal Para La Formacion En El Empleo
- Fundacion Laboral De La Construccion
- Comisiones Obreras Del Habitat
- Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas
Federacion De Industria, Construccion Y Agro De La Union General De Trabajadores
- Confederacion Nacional De La Construccion
- Ministerio De Educacion Y Formacion Profesional
- Green Building Council-España Consejo Para La Edificacion Sostenible-España