Energy Performance Certificates
Energy Performance Certificates
Buildings with EPCs registered
While it is not compulsory under the EPBD to set up a central/regional EPC register, almost all Member States have moved further than the obligations and set up a system to collect EPC data voluntarily. In 11 out of 28 Member States, in order to issue an EPC, this must be uploaded to the central database to be officially approved (BPIE, 2014).
These EPC registers are the primary source of information regarding certified buildings. The share of buildings registers in the EPC database varies across Europe.
The Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) are important instruments that should contribute to the enhancement of the energy performance of buildings. EPCs play a central role in the context of the Article 20 (2) EPBD, which asks Member States to provide information on the energy performance certificates and the inspection reports, on their purpose and objectives, on the cost-effective ways and, where appropriate, on the available financial instruments to improve the energy performance of the building to the owners or tenants of the buildings.
EPC distribution per energy label
Information on the EPC distribution per energy label and based on the analysis of the national registers (when available) was provided. The information may not be representative for the entire building stock.
Buildings with EPCs required
Following the results of the EPBD compliance study (ICF 2015), the highest compliance levels related to the production of EPCs applies to newly constructed and sold building, 62% and 57% respectively. For the buildings that are rented out, the compliance level is the lowest.
EPC scope
Following the EPBD, an EPC shall include the energy performance of a building and the reference values, as well as the recommendations for the cost-optimal or cost-effective improvements of the energy performance of a building or building unit. Within the national context, it is up to the Member States to decide on the performance rating of the representation (i.e. energy level vs. continuous scale) as well as the type of recommendations (i.e. standardised vs. tailor-made).
EPC monitoring
EPBD requires Member States to establish an independent control system and verify "a random selection of at least a statistically significant percentage of all the energy performance certificates issued annually".
Buildings with EPCs registered 2
Denmark and Ireland are the only countries where the share of the non-residential buildings with Energy Performance Certificates exceeds 15%.