European construction sector observatory (ECSO)
European construction sector observatory (ECSO)
The European construction sector observatory (ECSO) is an initiative under COSME. It regularly analyses and carries out comparative assessments on the construction sector in all 27 EU countries and the UK – aiming to keep European policymakers and stakeholders up to date on market conditions and policy developments.
What are ECSO's objectives?
- to monitor market conditions and trends, as well as national/regional strategies and progress towards the 5 priorities of construction 2020
- to encourage knowledge sharing and the replication of good practice
- to raise awareness on policy measures and initiatives impacting the construction value chain
Country fact sheets
ECSO profiles the construction industry in the 27 EU countries and the UK, and produces detailed country fact sheets (CFS) for each country. Each CFS provides an analysis of key figures, macro-economic indicators, economic drivers, issues and barriers, innovation, the national/regional policy and regulatory framework, and the current status and national strategy to meet construction 2020 objectives.
To view and download ECSO findings, please click here.
Analytical reports
Analytical reports are documents providing the EU with a wide analysis of the socio-economic and environmental performance of the construction sector and recommendations for possible strategies to increase the sector's competitiveness. Look at them at the original source.