Interreg Europe REBUS project
Interreg Europe REBUS project
The Interreg Europe REBUS project (Renovation for Energy efficient BUildingS) aims to improve the capacity of public authorities in European regions to undertake efficient renovation works of their public building stock, thus saving energy and public resources. The huge potential for energy savings in the public building stock is hampered in each phase of the local authority energy renovation process: planning, implementing and monitoring. These problems all stem from a basic need in public authorities: to raise awareness and build skills on energy related issues among civil servants. REBUS uses interregional exchange among regions with a varied level of development on this issue, together with communication and engagement activities to develop Action Plans resulting in:
- Improved policy instruments
- Improved skills at individual, organisational and regional level
- Involvement and engagement of stakeholder to create a system, in which improved approaches are understood, supported and disseminated
REBUS assists the public sector and contributes to EU policies on energy efficiency by providing means and instruments to design an Energy Renovation Path for public buildings grouping Good Practices identified, analysed and exchanged by partners. Thanks to the REBUS communication strategy, EU Public authorities, who share the common problem behind implementation of EU legislation on energy efficiency, benefit from the project approach to improve their energy policy content and management.
For more information visit the project's website at the link provided below.
Project duration: 2016-04-01 to 2021-03-31