Covenant Coordinators Implementation Report 2021

Covenant Coordinators Implementation Report 2021
The Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy – Europe brings together local and regional authorities and entities voluntarily committing to supporting the implementation of the EU climate and energy objectives. Since its launch in 2008, the initiative has mobilised over 10.000 local authorities in Europe, covering roughly one third of the EU population.
Covenant Territorial Coordinators are regional and sub-regional public authorities which provide strategic guidance, technical and financial support to Covenant of Mayors Signatories and potential municipalities willing to join the initiative.
This document summarizes the main accomplishments of the Territorial Coordinators according to the efforts undertaken throughout the year. The report is based on the results of a survey launched in 2021 addressed to the +200 European Covenant Territorial Coordinators as part of their reporting activity.
English (371.56 KB - PDF)