Harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products
Harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products
Reasons for and objectives of the proposal
"Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council (the ‘Construction Products Regulation’ or CPR) lays down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products. The CPR ensures the smooth functioning of the single market and the free movement of construction products in the EU. It does so through harmonised technical specifications, which provide for a common technical language on how to test and communicate the performance of construction products (e.g. reaction to fire, thermal conductivity or sound insulation). The use of standards is mandatory when they are cited in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).
Construction products covered by such standards must bear the CE marking which indicates that they comply with their declared performance. Such products can then freely circulate within the single market. EU Member States are not allowed to require any additional marks, certificates or testing. The CPR does not set product requirements. EU Member States are responsible for the safety, environmental and energy requirements applicable to buildings and civil engineering works.
The Commission’s 2016 implementation report on the CPR identified certain shortcomings in its implementation and a significant number of challenges linked among others to standardisation, simplification for micro-enterprises, market surveillance and enforcement, deserving further examination and discussion. The evaluation of the CPR, opinions of the REFIT platform as well as Member States’ and stakeholders’ feedback pointed clearly to the shortcomings of the framework, hindering the functioning of the single market for the construction products, and therefore failing to achieve the CPR’s objectives.
The November 2016 Clean Energy for all Europeans Communication stressed the need to unlock the growth and jobs potential by improving the functioning of the still fragmented single market for construction products. The European Green Deal Communication, the Circular Economy action plan and the Renovation Wave Communication highlighted the role of the CPR as part of efforts towards energy- and resource-efficient buildings and renovations, and in addressing the sustainability of construction products.
The proposal for a revised Energy Performance of buildings Directive highlighted the importance of the life cycle GHG emissions of buildings and building materials to calculate the Global Warming Potential of new buildings as of 2030. The EU Forest Strategy and the Sustainable Carbon Cycle Communication announced, in the context of the revision of the Construction Products Regulation, the development of a standard, robust and transparent methodology to quantify the climate benefits of construction products and carbon capture and utilisation.
Also, both the European Parliament and the Council have called for actions to promote circularity of construction products, to address barriers in the single market for construction products and contribute to the objectives of the European Green Deal and the Circular Economy action plan.
Therefore, the two general objectives of the CPR revision are to (1) achieve a well-functioning single market for construction products and to (2) contribute to the objectives of the green and digital transition, particularly the modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy. (...)".
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