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BuiltHub Platform for the collection of EU building stock

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BuiltHub Platform for the collection of EU building stock

The platform is a test environment allowing for collecting and extracting building performance and characteristic related data.
Editorial Team

The BuiltHub Platform aims to collect and extract data related to building performance and characteristics. This platform serves as a test environment to transform data into useful information targeting various users such as policymakers at EU, national, and local levels. 

The platform integrates with existing datasets and repositories, contributing to the establishment of a European data hub for assessing Europe's building stock and progress towards decarbonisation. Moreover, it supports the creation of a roadmap for sustainable and responsible management of building stock data flow, storage, and processing, addressing current gaps in data availability.

The platform consists of these main features:

  • dashboard

  • storylines

  • data library

  • data integration services

  • help

Available tool languages :
BuiltHub project
Original source: