Energy union indicators webtool

Energy union indicators webtool
The aim of the energy union strategy (COM/2015/080) is to ensure that European consumers – both households and businesses – have secure, affordable and clean energy.
It consists of 5 closely related and mutually reinforcing dimensions:
- security, solidarity and trust
- a fully-integrated internal energy market
- energy efficiency
- climate action – decarbonising the economy
- research, innovation and competitiveness.
The progress made in each of these dimensions is measured through key indicators.
The energy union indicators webtool uses interactive graphs and tables to explore and monitor the energy union key indicators. It shows progress made in the 5 dimensions of the energy union in European countries and the EU as a whole.
They include measurements of greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, renewable energy shares, energy intensities, import dependencies, prices, annual switching rates, research investments, and patents. They provide a consistent way of tracking the outcomes of energy and climate policies and demonstrate how the EU is working towards its energy and climate objectives.
Find more information here.