EPREL - European Product Registry for Energy Labelling database

EPREL - European Product Registry for Energy Labelling database
Consumers can find detailed information about energy labelled products and models in EPREL. It offers the possibility to identify which products have the best cost-efficiency ratio for a specific need. Information on other aspects than a product’s energy use, such as its possible water consumption, noise emission, extension of the warranty, availability of spare parts, duration or product support, is also provided.
The most efficient washing machine, for example, may have a high purchase cost, but for a numerous household, low running costs linked to electricity and water savings could compensate a high price. For a single person living in a flat, a cheaper, less energy-efficient, but very silent washing machine might be the best option. This example illustrates that the choice about the most suitable product depends on the specific user’s need and situation, and that it requires further comparison, including the purchase price. EPREL supports this comparative process by offering online information about various product's aspects, but it does not provide or take into account the product’s price.
By guiding its users towards the most energy-efficient product models while encouraging manufacturers to develop new, more efficient models to appear in the highest and more rewarding ranks, EPREL contributes to reducing the energy used and imported to the EU.
EPREL offers selection and sorting tools to compare and identify the products that best meet the consumer's specific needs before looking for them in physical or online stores and comparing their prices. For each registered product, EPREL displays its energy label and provides additional information in a product's information sheet, printable and available in all official EU languages. For example, the product information for a fridge will include its
- energy efficiency performance
- external dimensions
- type of compartments with their individual volume
- guarantee offered by the supplier
- noise emissions, etc.
When entering the database, the user can select the product group they are interested in and use the advanced search to look for specific product features, such as its dimensions, energy consumption, etc. Selection results can be sorted selecting 3 criteria simultaneously.
Check the database here.