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Path 2050 for a climate neutral Belgium


Path 2050 for a climate neutral Belgium

19 October 2022
Editorial Team

EnergyVille researchers have drawned data-driven maps based on three different scenarios (central scenario concept, electrification scenario concept, clean molecules scenario concept) which describe different scenario routes towards climate neutrality in Belgium. Hence, they have delopved the TIMES-Be model which is now accessible.


  • What does our current Belgian energy landscape look like?
  • What will a climate neutral society in 2050 look like?
  • What does it take to get there?

More than 200 EnergyVille researchers have collaborated to answer those three pivotal questions. They have drawn data-driven maps for three different scenarios - each of them describing another possible route for our journey towards a carbon neutral Belgium by 2050.


Three possible perspectives that might change your perspective on the energy debate...


There might be different roads leading to a climate neutral Belgium, but the window of opportunity to walk any of them is narrow.


This is the conclusion our EnergyVille experts came to after hours and hours of theorising, analysing and modelling - all to find out what it would take to get to a climate neutral Belgium by 2050. 


How did we reach this conclusion?

By developing the TIMES-Be model *- a model which calculates different net-zero emissions scenarios based on the evolution of technical and economic parameters, and searches for the most cost-effective solution to meet the demand for energy services from today, all the way up to 2050.


In other words: what we have done is gather all the data and run our model, so all you now have to do is gather your thoughts based on our scenario results...


The 3 paths to carbon neutrality:


  1. Central scenario concept
  2. Electrification scenario concept
  3. Clean molecules scenario concept

Find more information and the model here.


Check here the Expert Talk with Stijn Verbeke, senior researcher at EnergyVille/VITO and University of Antwerp.

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