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In this section you will find all sector relevant news from specialised media that has been selected and published on BUILD UP.

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Showing 10 of 1624 News
BUILD UP Ambassadors: we are looking for you!
They are the core of BUILD UP, and the engine that expands the borders of our platform: we’re talking about our BUILD UP Ambassadors, high-ranking professionals that selflessly share their knowledge with our community and spread our values and mission at a national level. If you are tempted to become one of them, please read on for more details about this role, and check the requirements to join our ambassador team!
Editorial team
Live talk with Pau Garcia Audi
BUILD UP Board of Ambassadors: discussing EPBD implementation at a national level
The implementation of the EPBD at the Member State level was the central theme of the BUILD UP Board of Ambassadors meeting recently held in Brussels. 'We can do it,' said Pau Garcia Audi, Policy Officer at DG ENER (European Commission), when talking about the 2050 decarbonisation objective.
Editorial team