Deep renovation of historical office building in Madrid
An impressive EnerPHit deep renovation of an office building has achieved good airtightness and it is certified EnerPHit Standard.
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De Kunstwerf in Groningen
The cultural space De Kunstwerf ("the art yard") represents an high quality architecture addressed at theatre and dance companies.
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Cross-laminated timber building in Norway
Architect Oslotre designed the first residential cross-laminated timber building in the city.
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Passivhaus Plus terraced house in Vilanova i la Geltrú (Cataluña)
To reach the Passivhaus Plus certification, 18 solar photovoltaic panels were installed on the roof to produce a 6.7 kWp generator.
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Eco-friendly public dwellings in Mallorca
The building of six housing units in Santa Eugènia develops a standstone construction system using eco-friendly materials.
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Morbihan Habitat – Social housing district renovation with reused materials
The main objectives of this renovation was to obtain a Nearly Zero renovation label, reuse of demolition products and bio-sourced materials.
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Real scale applications of the visions photo-paint: demo houses and the Hellenic Naval Academy
In the frame of LIFEVISIONS project, an innovative photocatalytic paint was produced for indoor air quality improvement and energy saving purposes.
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Certified Passivhaus building in Navarra
This new timber single detached house is Passivhaus certified and the exterior of the building well integrated with the rural environment.
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Showing 60 of 174 case studies