International AIVC workshop: Indoor Environmental Quality in Sustainable Buildings

International AIVC workshop: Indoor Environmental Quality in Sustainable Buildings
01 April 2025
The Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC) together with Fraunhofer IBP in Germany organise a workshop entitled 'Indoor Environmental Quality in Sustainable Buildings' to be held in Stuttgart, Germany.
Details of the conference
1 - 2 April 2025, 09:00 - 18:00 CET
Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP
AIVC & Fraunhofer IBP
The workshop will provide the opportunity for German researchers and engineers, as well as international experts, to present and discuss recent developments concerning indoor environmental quality, ventilation, health and sustainability of the building stock.
This workshop is part of a series of annual international workshops, which are organized by AIVC in collaboration with national research centres or energy authorities. These workshops also target regional issues in relation to ventilation and infiltration, as part of a process of knowledge generation.
The following sub-themes will be addressed:
- Status of implementation of EPBD recast
- IAQ about health
- IEQ in sustainable buildings
- Case studies in schools & care facilities
- Demand and personal control, user interaction