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Balancing Canada's housing goals and climate commitments

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Balancing Canada's housing goals and climate commitments

29 July 2024
Researchers at the University of Toronto Engineering propose using sustainable construction practices to meet Canada's housing goals without surpassing climate commitments, based on their FIG model forecasting emissions reductions.
Editorial Team

Researchers from University of Toronto Engineering’s Centre for the Sustainable Built Environment (CSBE) propose a new model to reconcile Canada’s housing needs with climate goals

Led by Professor Shoshanna Saxe, they emphasise that adopting sustainable construction practices can help meet housing targets without exceeding emission limits. 

Their Future Infrastructure Growth (FIG) model forecasts emissions from new construction and evaluates strategies like urban densification, higher infill rates, circularity, material technology advancements, and superior building design

Implementing these strategies could potentially reduce emissions below target levels, crucial for balancing housing demands and climate commitments by 2030.

Unviersity of Toronto Engineering news
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Energy efficiency technologies and solutions
Construction materials and circular construction
Building Operation and Maintenance