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Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference 2022

Pan European

Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference 2022

16 February 2022
The European Circular Economy community will meet for its flagship stakeholder conference on the 1st and the 2nd of March 2022.

From the 01 March 2022 to the 02 March 2022
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The 5th edition of the Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference presents the theme “Towards a new normal: Sustainable products for sustainable consumption”. The implementation of the Circular Economy Action Plan will be one of the upcoming milestones discussed throughout the conference.The new French EU Council Presidency is co-organising the conference together with the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee.


Day 1: On the 1st day, the latest circular economy policy developments will be presented and discussed. This will pave the way for forthcoming initiatives aiming to make sustainable products a norm.


Day 2: The 2nd day will focus on participatory workshops that will exhibit success stories as well as tackle challenges. The focus will be mainly on the areas of circular cities, retailers & consumers, procurement, food waste & bioeconomy, textiles, network governance, construction & infrastructure, and economic incentives.


The Coordination Group members of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform will co-organise the 2nd day of the conference.


Original source here.

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