Empowering Positive Energy Neighbourhoods (PENs): Lessons learned from syn.kia and OpenLAB workshop

Empowering Positive Energy Neighbourhoods (PENs): Lessons learned from syn.kia and OpenLAB workshop
The virtual workshop, organised by syn.ikia and oPEN Lab, gathered industry and finance experts to explore sustainable urban development and responsible financial strategies. Focusing on Positive Energy Neighborhoods (PENs), the event featured ESG finance leaders discussing the EU Taxonomy's role, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), and the challenges of financing PEN projects.
Presentations on PEN pilots by Triodos Investment Management and Green Digital Finance Alliance highlighted complexities in technology choices and emphasised the importance of project ownership in sustainable finance strategies. The workshop aimed to break barriers, identify solutions, and promote inclusive and sustainable benefits for stakeholders involved in PEN creation.