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Energy poverty regulation has been adopted in Bulgaria

Houses in Kovachevitza, Bulgaria

Energy poverty regulation has been adopted in Bulgaria

03 April 2024
The Bulgarian Council of Ministers approved the Energy Poverty Ordinance to support vulnerable households.
Editorial Team

At the end of November 2023, the Bulgarian Council of Ministers approved the Energy Poverty Ordinance, defining vulnerable customers for electricity supply and households in energy poverty. Developed by an inter-ministerial working group, it considers income, energy consumption, and other factors. 

The ordinance aligns with recent changes to the Energy Act, basing eligibility on disposable income compared to the poverty line. Criteria for vulnerable customers include age, health, and need for medical devices. Disposable income calculation includes both taxable and non-taxable income, excluding scholarships. This initiative aims to provide assistance to those struggling with energy costs, ensuring access to electricity for all households in need.

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Policy and Regulatory Frameworks
Financial support for energy efficiency in buildings, research and innovation