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The game-changing potential of heat pumps for clean heating amid energy and environmental crises

a heat pump

The game-changing potential of heat pumps for clean heating amid energy and environmental crises

26 April 2024
By using natural heat sources, the efficiency of heat pumps can drastically reduce energy bills and carbon emissions compared to conventional heating methods.
Editorial Team

'Heat pumps are critical for the transition to clean energy and decarbonising the building sector. They are efficient, cost-effective, low-carbon and have the potential to drive down emissions as well as energy bills,' says Dr. Richard Lowes, a specialist in energy policy and senior associate with the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP). 'Heat pumps', he explains, 'also offer both heating and cooling capabilities'.

Dr. Lowes also underscores the importance of policy support and global collaboration, exemplified by initiatives like the RAP and the Clean Heat Forum, to accelerate the adoption of heat pumps and achieve climate targets.

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Energy efficiency technologies and solutions
Heating, Ventilation and Cooling