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SSPCR 2022: Call for proposals


SSPCR 2022: Call for proposals

01 February 2022
Editorial Team

SSPCR 2022 warmly welcomes contributions from different research fields: urban and regional planning, environmental and social sciences, economics, transportation, engineering and energy-related studies, computer science and geomantic as well as from the professional community.


You have four options to contribute to the conference: you can submit a proposal to 1) organise a session (CLOSED), 2)  organise a side event, 3) give a presentation of your research, or 4) display a poster. Please identify and indicate the thematic track to which you would like to apply.


  1. Organise a session (CLOSED)
  2. Organise a side event: Formats other than traditional presentations are encouraged. This includes point-counterpoint, panel discussion, moderated debate, interactive workshop, world café, testbed for tools and apps, etc. Selected side event proposals will be invited to bilaterally discuss details with the conference organisers. The side event will be included in the conference program only upon confirmation of logistic and budgetary details (CLOSED)
  3. Give a presentation: Research and project contributions to be discussed in thematic tracks. Your presentation shall last about 15’ + Q&A session. Submitting a paper for conference proceedings is optional, but highly recommended.
  4. Display a poster: Early stage research contributions or project results are welcome in the poster session. Posters will be displayed for the whole duration of SSPCR 2022.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 14th March 2022.


Read more details about the submission process, templates and guidelines here.

Editorial team
Skills, training and education
Energy efficiency technologies and solutions
Skills, training and education