Advancing Energy Performance Certification: Integrating Data, Smart Readiness, and Renovation Strategies

Advancing Energy Performance Certification: Integrating Data, Smart Readiness, and Renovation Strategies
On Tuesday, November 5, BUILD UP hosted a webinar with the TIMEPAC Project on ‘Advancing Energy Performance Certification: Integrating Data, Smart Readiness, and Renovation Strategies’. The webinar addressed some of the key issues of the future transformation of current Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) along the lines proposed in the latest EPBD, which were addressed within the TIMEPAC project.
During the first session, Leandro Madrazo, TIMEPAC Project Coordinator, explained how the concept of this project, based on a comprehensive approach to the use of enhanced EPCs in the future developed in five Transversal Deployment Scenarios (TDSs) with the participation of several European partner organisations, as well as its application in several fieldworks.
Following, Vincenzo Corrado, a Professor at Politecnico di Torino, talked about the application of operational data to enhance the EPC and TIMEPAC's vision regarding it. In addition, Corrado showed the model that the institution is working on.
Boris Sučić, Senior Expert at the Jožef Stefan Institute, Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) and how it measures and functions.
The fourth panel saw Álvaro Sicilia, Senior Researcher at La Salle-URL, focusing on the guidelines that TIMEPAC published recently on the improvement of data quality through BIM and presented real cases applied in Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Italy, Slovenia and Spain.
Finally, Susanne Geissler, Senior Expert at SERA—Institute for Sustainable Energy and Resources Availability—concluded the webinar by speaking about the need for an effective and efficient Renovation Passport (RP) scheme to transform the building stock in Member States. Geissler defended that RPs would be cost—and time-efficient and would help further develop National Building Renovation Plans.