Expert Talk - Michiel Ritzen

Expert Talk - Michiel Ritzen
This month we will be delving into circular construction for a sustainable building sector with Michiel Ritzen, Senior expert in circularity at VITO, and project manager of Sustainable Built Environment, Unit Smart Energy and Built Environment.
In this Expert Talk, Ritzen answers questions about the role of circularity in the efforts towards new zero-emission buildings, the main challenges in boosting the uptake of circular construction, differences between circular construction and traditional construction. He also describes tools and methodologies available for assessing the life-cycle emissions of new building projects, and best practices for circular construction processes.
The EXPERT TALKS series is an initiative of the BUILD UP portal, and features face-to-face interviews with experts from across Europe, offering diverse perspectives on energy efficiency in buildings. These interviews are aligned with the Topic of the Month and delve into it, providing valuable insights, experiences, and expertise to the BUILD UP audience.