Expert Talks - Dr. Bruno Daniotti & Davide Madeddu

Expert Talks - Dr. Bruno Daniotti & Davide Madeddu
This month we will be talking about "Industrialisation of renovation strategies for decarbonisation of EU residential building stock" with Dr. Bruno Daniotti and Davide Madeddu.
Dr. Bruno Daniotti is Full Professor in Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering, School of Architectural Engineering. Master of Science in Physics, Ph. D. in Building Engineering at Politecnico di Milano.
Thirty years’ experience in different building research fields at national and international level at University (Politecnico di Milano and Torino, Università degli Studi di Milano), Research Centers as the Institute for Constructions’ Technologies (ITC, ex-ICITE) of National Research Council (C.N.R.) and European Joint Research Centre (Ispra (VA)), ENEA, CSI Montedison, public administrations (Regione Lombardia) International standardization organisations as ISO, EOTA (European Organization for Technical Approval) and the Italian Standardization Organization (UNI).
In particular the research and the following publications are focused on the following items:
- Planning and management of the building process.
- Assessment and control of different aspects about technological quality: initial quality, during time, operative one and maintenance one.
- Procedures of analysis and evaluation of durability of building components.
For its part, Davide Madeddu works as lead engineer and BIM Manager in One Team Srl R&I division. He is involved in EU H2020 research projects working on the development of digital platforms, and coordinating the definition of specifications, processes, and workflows to enable interoperability and software integration.
He previously worked as independent researcher and as consultant for digital simulation and parametric modelling leading academic research activity on the application of genetic and generative algorithms for the optimization of environmental and energy efficiency design in architecture. https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidemadeddu/
One Team Srl is a high technology SME with more than 30 years of experience, that provides consultancy and end-to-end software and hardware solutions for AECO and GIS organizations that face the challenges of implementing design, construction, and geospatial digital tools. https://www.oneteam.it/.
During this interview, both experts speak about questions such as their view on the benefits of large-scale industrial renovation, the tools that are available nowadays to effectively address serial renovation with guaranteed success from the design phase or the benefits of implementing BIM in renovation processes.
BIM4EEB aims to foster the renovation industry by developing an attractive and powerful BIM management system with BIM-based toolset able to support designers in the design and planning phase, construction companies to efficiently carry out the work and service companies to provide attractive solutions for building retrofitting.
The BIM management system combined with the tools facilitates the decision making and the asset management for public and private owners due to the exploitation of augmented reality and the use of updated digital logbooks.
This system increases semantic interoperability between software and stakeholders involved along the overall renovation process (design, planning, construction, performance assessment and management).
Overall, BIM4EEB targets the reduction of least 20% of renovation time, 15% the average renovation cost, 10% of net primary energy use for a typical residential apartment and a reduction from 3 to 1.5 working days required for a deep energy audit.