Highlights video - Sustainable Places 2023

Highlights video - Sustainable Places 2023
This event anually covers all topics related to building sustainability and most often reflect priorities described in the European Commission Societal Challenges and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
This year, the conference covered themes such as:
- Energy Communities, Smart Cities and Urban Transition
- Renewable Energy Technologies
- Sustainable Construction & Renovation
- Decarbonization & Circularity, Climate Change mitigation and adaptation.
It was a pleasure for BUILD UP to be a partner of this event, organised by R2M Solution and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
In this video the experts and Sustainable Places organizers Zia Lennard, Noemi Jimenez Redondo, Blanca Barrios, and Tatiana Loureiro, explain what does Sustainable Places means to the field of energy efficiency.
Check out some of the best moments and listen to some of the protagonists in this compilation video!