BUILD UP, partner of Sustainable Places 2023

BUILD UP, partner of Sustainable Places 2023
Details of the conference
Each year, Sustainable Places features topics that are shaping how we think about cities and the built environment. Across all editions, Sustainable Places is open to all topics related to building sustainability and most often reflect priorities described in the European Commission Societal Challenges and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In its 11 edition, BUILD UP is glad to announce that has become one of its partners.
This year, Sustainable Places will cover the following list of themes:
- Energy Communities, Smart Cities and Urban Transition
- Renewable Energy Technologies
- Sustainable Construction & Renovation
- Decarbonization & Circularity, Climate Change mitigation and adaptation.
- Facilitating the energy transition: Policy, Finance, Training
- Sustainable Urban Renewal & Cultural Transformation
- Digitalization, Smartness & Artificial Intelligence
- Resilience and Energy Security
Registration’s fares and deadlines are already out. You can attend in-person or online. The tickets available are:
- In-person ticket: it includes full access during the three days of the event to all the sessions, lunches and coffee breaks, gala dinner and to the side events.
- Virtual presenter: it includes full access to the online platform where you will be able to create your own user, to interact with other users, and to moderate your own session.
- Virtual guest: only for non-speaker registrants. It includes full access to the online platform where you will be able to create your own user, to interact with other users, and follow-up all sessions of the conference.
Organised by R2M Solution and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.