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Webinar – Alleviating Energy Poverty through Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive

Pan European

Webinar – Alleviating Energy Poverty through Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive

Editorial Team
This event took place on the 29th May 2020 from 10.00H to 12.00H. Watch it here.

The event: “Alleviating Energy Poverty through Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive.”  organised by IEECP provided the opportunity to learn and exchange knowledge from the perspective of policy making from perspectives on the ENSMOV project and to discuss the utility perspectives on energy poverty support based on learnings from the SocialWatt project.


The agenda included the following presentations and discussions:


  • Samuel Thomas, RAP, Alleviating energy poverty through Article 7 of the EED, keynote

  • Jean-Sébastien Broc, IEECP, Review of policies to tackle energy poverty in 10 EU countries

  • Ray Breen, ESB Ireland, Delivering energy efficiency schemes for energy poor households – Best practices and lessons learnt from Ireland

  • Christos Tourkolias, CRES, Fostering the alleviation of energy poverty in Greece through Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme

  • Ester Sevilla Garcia, NATURGY, Guiding energy poor households for home renovations in Spain

More information


The ENSMOV project supports public authorities and key stakeholders in 14 Member States and addresses all Member States to monitor, revise, improve and complement the design and implementation of their national energy efficiency policies by developing resources on practical and strategic issues arising from the Article 7 EED.


The SocialWatt project enables obligated parties under Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive across Europe to develop, adopt, test and spread innovative schemes to alleviate energy poverty. Besides planned capacity building activities, SocialWatt is developing tools to help utilities and energy suppliers effectively identify energy poor households as well as develop and monitor schemes that focus on increasing the energy efficiency of these houses.



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