Webinar: Decarbonising on a massive scale through the deployment of heat pumps: what are the challenges and levers for speeding up deploy

Webinar: Decarbonising on a massive scale through the deployment of heat pumps: what are the challenges and levers for speeding up deploy
On Tuesday, March 12, BUILD UP hosted a webinar organised by the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) and Ressorts on ‘Decarbonising on a massive scale through the deployment of heat pumps: what are the challenges and levers for speeding up deployment?’. During the event, project partners from CLEAR HP and LIFE STREET HP delved into the role of heat pumps in decarbonisation, sharing insights and experiences from their work.
CLEAR HP project
‘Collective purchase campaings are a good way to tackle renewable heating, as they offer guidance and information to consumers, while at the same time offering a highly tested and high-quality heat pump’, said Eoin Kelly from BEUC, who presented the CLEAR HP project. He provided an overview of aims and insights, delving into some specific aspects of the CLEAR HP project.
Street HP Reno project
The two final sessions saw Pierre-Antoine Duffrene from RESSORTS focusing on providing the context and origin of Street HP Reno, which delves into the strategy consumers can tackle to replace their energy system with heat pumps. As highlighted by Pierre-Antoine, ‘replacing the European energy system by deploying heat pumps is strictly linked to establishing pathways defining the net-zero road for each concerned building’.
The webinar ended with an interactive Q&A discussion, facilitating an exchange of questions between the speakers and the audience targeting group buying schemes for heat pumps and the importance of skills to further implement heat pumps across Europe.