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Webinar - “Let’s talk circular architecture” (ACE)

Pan European

Webinar - “Let’s talk circular architecture” (ACE)

Editorial Team
On March 28, BUILD UP had the pleasure of hosting the first webinar of the “Circular Talks” webinar series, entitled "Let’s talk Circular Architecture", organised by the DRIVE 0 project.


The “Circular Talks” series of webinars has the aim of presenting and promoting the Circular and Consumer Centred Business Model developed in the framework of DRIVE 0. The series consists of three webinars tailored for specific target groups involved in the renovation process of the building stock.


In the March 28 webinar, the first of the series, we explored how architects can play a crucial role in this scenario by incorporating circular principles into their design process, by acknowledging the Drive 0 circular business models (CBM), and also by implementing the CBM in their professional practice. The webinar also demonstrated how two of the seven DRIVE 0 demonstration buildings have been circularly renovated and how the EU policies can assist architects in the circular journey.


After a short warm-up poll with questions for the audience, the webinar kicked off with an introduction to the DRIVE 0 project from Gloria Oddo, Architect and Project Officer at the Architects' Council of Europe - ACE. This was followed by a discussion about DRIVE 0 Circular Business Models as a tool to assist architects in the design process from Elettra Agliardi, Full Professor at the University of Bologna, Department of Economics - UNIBO-DSE, a presentation of the circular deep renovation intervention for the DRIVE 0 Irish pilot and possible applications of CBM by Patrick Daly, Researcher and Consultant at Technological University Dublin – TU Dublin, and a presentation of the circular deep renovation intervention for the DRIVE 0 Italian pilot and possible applications of CBM from Cecilia Mazzoli, Assistant Professor at the University of Bologna, Department of Architecture - UNIBO-DA.


We then took a short break from presentations to engage the audience with a poll consisting of questions related to identifying obstacles and needs of firms/SMEs, academics and policymakers in the field of architecture and design to uptake circular solutions. This was followed by the last presentation, from Philippe Moseley, Policy Officer at DG GROW, Construction Unit - European Commission, who discussed how a circular approach can speed up the uptake of the EU building stock. 


The webinar closed with a brief Q&A session with questions to several of the speakers and some final remarks from Elettra Agliardi, Full Professor at the University of Bologna, Department of Economics - UNIBO-DSE.  



Build Up Subeditor


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