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Webinar: SmartBuilt4EU – The future of smart buildings in Europe

Pan European

Webinar: SmartBuilt4EU – The future of smart buildings in Europe

Editorial Team
On March 6, from 10:00 to 11:00 CET, BUILD UP hosted the SmartBuilt4EU webinar entitled "The future of smart buildings in Europe".


This project is coordinated by ECTP, the European Construction, built environment and energy efficient building Technology Platform, and gathers partners EURAC, VITO, R2M and DOWEL Innovation, as well as the ECTP members LIST, ASM, CARDIFF University, TNO and VTT.


The webinar focused on presenting the Strategic Research Innovation Agenda (SRIA), the policy recommendations and the final results of the project.


The session started with the Alain Zarli, Secretary General of ECTP, who did a little introduction about the project, the main objectives and key results. He had also words to introduce the SmartBuilt4EU final conference, which will be celebrated on 23rd March. 


After that, was Birgit Vandevelde, Researcher Sustainable Living and Building at VITO, who took the floor to speak about the Elaboration of the Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for smart buildings, presenting the topics and priorities worked on. 


Then, it was time to speak about policy recommendations, managed by Karine Laffont-Eloire, Senior Consultant and Associate Partner at Dowel Innovation. Those policy recommendations were developed under the same priorities too, such as making a better use of the data or testing facilities, benchmarking and living labs for integrated analysis and demonstration of smart buildings.


Finally, a Q&A session was held moderated by Toqa Khalifa, EU Project Management Assistant at R2M, where the panellists were able to answer some of the questions posed by the audience. The webinar closed with a concluding section, led by Nerea Gómez, Project Officer at ECTP.



Build Up Subeditor


English (3.39 MB - PDF)