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The case study of the Habitat 76 "Spatium" head office

Case study

The case study of the Habitat 76 "Spatium" head office

06 September 2022
The Habitat 76 "Spatium" the head office in Rouen represents a nice example of cerified Passive house building. It has a very low energy and carbon footprint even though it is a very large building, and it is an example of resilience.
Editorial Team

Habitat 76 "Spatium": the head office over 9 levels above ground of the Norman social landlord Habitat 76 on the left bank of the Seine, in Rouen.



Exterior wall: Concrete 2,100 200
Glaswool Isofacade 0,035 240
terracotta tiles 0,069 40
U-value = 0.154 W/(m2K)


Basement floor / floor slab: Concrete 2,100 300
Insulation PSE 0,034 200
U-value = 0.197 W/(m2K)


Roof: Concrete 2,100 250
Insulation PIR Efigreen duo+ 0,022 180
U-value = 0.118 W/(m2K)


Frame: Schüco AOC 60 ST.SI (vertikal), 0,79
MR Schüco AOC 60
KF440- Triple glazed frame + integrated blinds
U w-value = 0.79 W/(m2K)



Ventilation: GOLD RX Series, GOLD RX Series
7 PHI certified Swegen Gold Series AHUs to ventilate this building with heat recovery to limit the building's energy footprint


Heating installation: Geothermal heat pumps on 100 soil probes in series (U form)


Domestic hot water: Geothermal heat pumps on 100 ground probes in series (U form) with heating priority


Ecological aspects: Very low energy and carbon footprint for this large office building. The use of heat pumps and ground probes, as well as heat recovery ventilation, give the offices a real resilience for the next 100 years.


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