Extension and refurbishment of Vela Verde building in Lyon

Extension and refurbishment of Vela Verde building in Lyon
The project has followed a low-carbon and circular economy approach by using reused, biosourced, geosourced, recycled or recyclable products. It also contributed to the reduction of heat islands with its green surfaces.
Concerning the heating system, a greenhouse gas-free heat pump has been installed on the roof and it covers 70% of the building´s needs. This heat pump operates without electrical resistance and stores heat in winter and cold in summer. This is supported also by a self-consumption photovoltaic plant on the roof.
Energy consumption
Calculation method : RT existant
Breakdown for energy consumption : Heating (electric) Cep = 21,1 kwhEp/m² (in French) Cooling (electric) Cep = 6.35 kwhEp/m² (electricity) Lighting (electric) Cep = 11.69 kwhEp/m² (electricity) Auxiliary (electric) Cep = 4.22 kwhEp/m² (electricity) Ventilation (electric) = 24.41 kwhEp/m². Photovoltaic (electric) Cep = 2.26 kwhEp/m².
Primary energy need : 65,52 kWhep/m2.an
Primary energy need for standard building : 99,02 kWhep/m2.an
Initial consumption : 187,12 kWhep/m2.an
Real final energy consumption
Final Energy : 25,40 kWhef/m2.an