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Passive House in Guernsey, Channel Islands

Case study
United Kingdom

Passive House in Guernsey, Channel Islands

04 March 2022
Editorial Team

Description: Two bedroom contemporary house in Guernsey, Channel Islands.

Number of appartments / units : 1

Treated Floor Area according to PHPP: 114 m2

Construction type: masonry construction

Year of construction: 2020




Exterior wall: 250mm insulated cavity blockwork and cavity blockwork with outer leaf in granite rubble stone.
U-value = 0.098 W/(m2K)

Basement floor/floor slab: 300mm insulation on pre-cast concrete with reinforced coloured concrete finish.
U-value = 0.072 W/(m2K)

Roof: 355mm insulation on reinforced concrete with Sedum green roof finish.
U-value = 0.064 W/(m2K)




Ventilation: Mechanical ventilation unit with heat recovery. 90% heat recovery efficiency. 0.24Wh/m3 electrical efficiency

Heating installation: Two electric towel rails providing 1200W of the required 1248W. Electric UFH in bathrooms providing top up

Domestic hot water: Solar and electric powered hot water cylinder

Ecological aspects: Sedum green roof and solar panels




Air tightness: n50 = 0.26/h

Annual heating demand: 15 kWh /(m2a ) calculated according to PHPP

PE demand (non-renewable Primary Energy): 104 kWh /(m2a ) on heating installation, domestic hot water, household electricity and auxiliary electricity calculated according to PHPP

PER demand (renewable Primary Energy): 52 kWh /(m2a ) on heating installation, domestic hot water, household electricity and auxiliary electricity calculated according to PHPP

Geographic coverage
Local (city or municipality)
Original source: