BIMzeED project

BIMzeED project
The BIMzeED project focuses on the training needs for the current and future construction industry with the main purpose to encourage 1) better employability 2) low-carbon growth, 3) green and nZEB skills 4) increase in youth employment. The challenge of the BIMzeED project is to overcome skills mismatching and improve employability in the current European construction market by improving and extending the existing skills of Trainers, SMEs, site managers, craftworkers and other experienced operatives.
The construction industry across Europe is facing major challenges in achieving energy efficiency targets, in particular for near Zero Energy Building nZEB, but they are also experiencing a digital revolution, with Building Information Modelling (BIM). The BIMzeED project intends to improve the human-capital basis of the construction sector, which is identified as a strategic initiative by the European Commission, acting on HEIs and VET systems in Europe. The BIMzeED project will support the construction industry, through education and training to upskill on technical innovation and digitalization.
BIM can assist with achieving cost effective nZEB construction. BIMzeED will develop and pilot 12-16 Learning Units within the aim of increasing understandings of BIM/nZEB within existing construction training curricula, thus capitalizing on the opportunities that environmental protection can offer to the labour force. BIMzeED will train and up skill 120 educators at European HEIs and VETs by piloting the new learning resources and training materials, which will be made available as transferrable Learning Units. BIMzeED will pilot 12-16 Learning Units with 400-500 construction students, site managers, craftworkers and other experienced operatives therefore improving their employability. It will work with over 20 various professionals, SMEs, Industry, product and technology providers, R&D and policy makers across Europe to support a profitable and low carbon future. By working with SMEs to tackle skills mismatches and promote excellence in skills development, BIMzeED is in line with “renewed EU agenda for higher education” (Education and Training 2020 strategy – ET2020) and also ensures that SMEs are not left behind in this fast-developing industry.
Aims of BIMzeED
-Identify the knowledge and skills gap in BIM and nZEB within the HEI and construction sector for each partner country.
-Update the knowledge and skills of Educators and Trainers and SMEs in the field of BIM and nZEB through provision of specific new innovation educational materials
-Stimulate development of new training and education programmes/modules in the fields of BIM/nZEB which can be integrated into existing HEI programme delivery.
-Transfer knowledge of BIM and nZEB to and from other countries
-Strengthen links between lecturers, industry and SMEs with innovative technologies and installations creating connected learning communities (viewing case studies, on-site site visits, industry demonstrations)
-Strengthen employability in teaching and SMEs, known as business development cooperation