Advocating for the integration of NEB values in EU legislation: a document form ACE

Advocating for the integration of NEB values in EU legislation: a document form ACE
The document from the Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE), discusses embedding the values of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) in EU legislation to achieve a high-quality built environment. Key points include:
Procurement procedures: reflect NEB values in the EU Public Procurement Directive to ensure quality processes and better access for SMEs.
Skills and knowledge: support education and lifelong learning for architects to align with NEB values.
Financial incentives: EU funding should benefit grassroots initiatives with strong co-design elements.
Quality assessment: Develop tools to measure and assess the quality and sustainability of designs.
Planning and building regulations: ensure flexibility and experimentation in planning to achieve NEB values.
Image © ACE
English (1.07 MB - PDF)