Background data collection for future EU end-of-waste criteria of Construction and Demolition Waste

Background data collection for future EU end-of-waste criteria of Construction and Demolition Waste
This study evaluated the prioritisation of potential European End-of-Waste (EoW) criteria for ten selected construction and demolition waste streams. Stakeholders showed strong support for EU-wide EoW criteria, with aggregates, concrete, fired clay bricks, and gypsum identified as having the highest potential.
Benefits such as clearer material status and environmental advantages outweighed concerns like market disruption. The need for EU criteria that align with existing national standards was emphasised to ease bureaucratic burdens.
Additionally, grouping similar inert waste streams could enhance criteria effectiveness. Overall, the findings highlight significant environmental and economic benefits, informing the European Commission's next steps.
background data collection for future eu end-of-waste-ET0224525ENN.pdf
English (1.81 MB - PDF)